Schlagwort: Brandon Cronenberg

Kritik: Possessor (CA, UK 2020)
DVD & Bluray, Filmkritiken, Horror, Science Fiction / Fantasy

Kritik: Possessor (CA, UK 2020)

Just think, one day your wife is cleaning the cat litter and she gets a worm in her, and that worm ends up in her brain. The next thing that happens is she gets an idea in there, too. And it's hard to say whether that idea is really hers or it's just the worm. And it makes her do certain things. Predator things. Eventually, you realize that she isn't the same person anymore. She's not the person that she used to be. It's gotta make you wonder, whether you're really married to her... or married to the worm. Ich töte, aber bin ich? So ließe sich das philosophische Dilemma von Possessor zusammenfassen. An der Schnittstelle zwischen Bewusstsein und Welt liegen einzig und allein unsere Körper und die werden in Brandon Cronenbergs zweitem Film nach Antiviral* (2012) dem Titel entsprechend gewal...